Gauk dovanų LEGO® DC 1992 metų Betmeną už atitinkamus pirkinius*Sužinokite daugiau

Gauk dovanų LEGO® DC 1992 metų Betmeną už atitinkamus pirkinius*Sužinokite daugiau

LEGO® Jurassic World

LEGO® Jurassic World: Chaos Theory sets

Next-gen dinosaur sets for the next gen of dinosaur-loving kids, and a crash course for parents of dinosaur experts from Mr. DNA. Let’s go discover.

Welcome, parents of dinosaur experts, to your LEGO® Jurassic World dinosaur survival guide

Your kids love dinosaurs just as much as you did – they get that from you. But have you kept up with all the old (and new!) dinosaur species out there? Some of them will eat you, and some will not. Here’s your guide on how to keep building your passion together, tell your Allosaurus from your Stegosaurus... and be a winner, not dinner. Good luck!


.undefined.She won’t eat you... but she may smack you.

Mažoji ankilozaurė Bumpy

29,99 €Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
Apsipirkti dabar
.undefined.She won’t eat you... but she may smack you.

This is a Stegosaurus and it will not eat you

The baby velociraptor included in this Jurassic World: Chaos Theory set may nibble on you, though.

But this Allosaurus will definitely eat you

Good thing this Jurassic World: Chaos Theory set includes a truck and a quad bike for quick getaways!
  • Slide through Mr. DNA’s LEGO® Jurassic World dinosaur survival guide

    Keep up with your kids’ expertise and be a winner, not dinner!
On slide 1 of 10
Test your dinosaur survival skills
Slide the button to the correct answer

Watch now: bite-sized Jurassic World dinosaur adventures built by fans

Family fun and play inspiration in mini-movie format
Galutinis išpardavimas
- 30%

Velociraptoriaus pabėgimas

42,99 €30,09 €

Brachiozauro atradimas

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Blue ir Beta velociraptoriaus sugavimas

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Piroraptoriaus ir dilofozauro transporteris

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Dinozaurų misijos: stegozauro atradimas

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Mažoji ankilozaurė Bumpy

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Dinozauriukų gelbėjimo centras

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Dinozaurų fosilijos: tiranozauro kaukolė

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Dinozauro tiranozauro pabėgimas

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Gigantozauro ir terizinozauro užpuolimas

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Dilofozauro pasala​

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Let’s go places

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