最適合成年人的 LEGO® Space 盒組

最適合大人的 LEGO® 太空套裝




LEGO® Art The Milky Way Galaxy

Take your love for stargazing to new dimensions as you build this incredible 3D art piece of the Milky Way Galaxy. This 3,091-piece LEGO set includes some of the Milky Way’s most famous points of interest such as Trappist-1, The Pleiades, The Crab Nebula and The Pillars of Creation. And placing the ‘you are here’ brick among all these cosmic giants really puts things into perspective.

Immerse yourself completely in the vast beauty of the galaxy we call home and listen to our specially curated podcast while you build. Along with your host, Jack Gardner Vaa, the podcast lets you travel to outer space and includes some interesting facts about the Milky Way Galaxy from some amazing guests. Listen to Camille Bergin, an Aerospace Engineer who’s worked hands-on with the NASA Artemis Program, and Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock who’s a prominent science educator both as a teacher at the University of Leicester and through her own company. Last but not least, hear from the designer of the set, Adam Vaughan, about how it came to be.

Once built, hang this stunning piece of home décor and get lost in the infinity of space every time you look at it.

LEGO® Ideas – 太空時代傳說

當太空遇上藝術時,你會發掘到一個無窮無盡的新宇宙。無論你的愛好是太空還是藝術,想必也會喜歡全新的 LEGO® Ideas 太空時代傳說盒組,當中附有四張 3D 明信片,全部靈感皆來自 1980 年代的科幻傳說、電影、書籍和海報。

這些 3D 明信片可以展示在你的書架或掛在牆上,可以拼在一起,也可以分開獨立展示。明信片的展示方式百搭多變,極致精美,更可在拼砌期間帶你遨遊太空,暫時忘卻這個世界。


LEGO® NASA 探索號太空穿梭機

照片由 @BrickCentral 社群的 @yc_solo 提供

說到 NASA 太空船,你可能第一時間會想到探索號太空穿梭機。NASA 探索號太空穿梭機盒組不但是太空探索的經典標誌,還是備受粉絲喜愛的 LEGO 盒組。這款盒組具有逼真的細節,如伸縮自如的起落架、開放式的駕駛艙、可移動的升降副翼、太空機械臂,以及 5 個機組人員的座位。你甚至可以打開有效載荷艙,並部署哈勃望遠鏡,其中包括多個超棒的功能,如可移動的太陽能電池板和光圈門。

與許多其他 LEGO 盒組一樣,這款模型富於巧思。當你動手拼砌的時候,可以想像自己是一名太空人,從探索號的窗戶望向浩瀚無邊的宇宙。


NASA Insignia and identifiers provided and used with permission of NASA. 

This product is developed in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) for the purpose of fostering children’s interest in space science. ESA is not involved in the manufacturing and commercialisation of this product.!

