LEGO Terms & Conditions and Invoice Requirements

LEGO Terms of Purchase

These general terms and conditions set out certain legal expectations the LEGO Group has with respect to its suppliers. They govern purchases by the LEGO Group in the absence of a written and executed agreement between the applicable supplier and LEGO Group entity. Unless expressly agreed to the contrary between the parties, they shall apply to the exclusion of any other terms that the Supplier seeks to unilaterally impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

General Terms and Conditions for purchases within the LEGO Group (English)

General Terms and Conditions for purchases within the LEGO Group (Chinese)

General Terms and Conditions for purchases within the LEGO Group (Spanish)

The LEGO Group - Invoice Requirements

To secure payment on time please follow the Invoice Requirements from the LEGO Group.

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (English)

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (Spanish)

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (Czech)

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (Hungarian)

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (Chinese (for local China vendors))

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (English (for foreign vendors working with LEGO China entities))

Invoice requirements from The LEGO Group (Vietnamese)

LEGO Group Invoicing Addresses (English)

Bank Information Template

Notice to suppliers of Vietnam Foreign Contractor Tax