
What is a Robot and why should Kids learn to program one?

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “robot”? Is it a humanoid figure with near-human intelligence that can carry out human-like tasks? Is it an assembly machine in a production line? A space rover? And how can you help your kids learn how to program a robot if you’ve never tried it? Read on to find out!

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Who likes to play with robot toys and building kits?

LEGO® robot building toys are the perfect gift for boys and girls of all ages. Even if it seems like your child doesn’t have an obvious interest in coding, their curiosity will almost certainly be sparked once they get the chance to build a robot of their own.

Nearly any hobby or interest your child loves to engage in can act as relevant entry points to robotics and programming. Whether it’s kittens, music, remote-controlled cars, science fiction gadgets, or they generally just enjoy taking things apart to find out how they work and put them back together, your child can be inspired to create a robot that reflects their unique personality and interests, with speech, songs, sounds, lights, movements and interactions.

為小學生帶來動手實作的 STEAM 學習樂趣!

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Essential 可激起小學生對 STEAM 概念的興趣。這款 449 片裝的盒組將一系列科技組件結合了大家熟悉的樂高® 積木和能引起共鳴的人偶,帶來好玩的敘事式學習體驗。

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使用樂高® 盒組在家學習寫程式

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Essential Set 可激發孩子的想像力、培育創意,並幫他們養成可貴的寫程式技能。

用樂高® 機器人可以拼砌什麼?怎麼做?

你想像得到的任何事物。有了樂高® 機器人,你的孩子將很快學會如何將寫程式技能應用在機器人上,以及如何將這些技能應用到自己的機器人、機器與設計中。程式設計軟體非常容易使用。拖放直覺式的圖示與程式碼區塊,將動作、功能、時機與互動加入鏈中、按下「執行」,再看看會發生什麼事,就這麼簡單。只要這樣就能讓你的孩子迅速成為寫程式忍者。


哪款樂高® 機器人最適合你的孩子?

鮮豔色彩、適合兒童的設計與拖放式程式編寫工具讓 LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime 對年紀較小的學生而言既吸引人又有趣!而超過 40 堂引導式課程、逐步說明與直覺式的 LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime 應用程式讓入門輕鬆簡單!

孩子拼砌機器人-同時培養 STEAM 自信

LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime 系統以可程式化主機為中心,主機有 6 個輸入/輸出埠、5x5 矩陣燈(light matrix)、藍牙連線能力、喇叭、六軸陀螺儀與充電電池。學生可將高精度馬達和感應器搭配豐富多彩的樂高零件與直覺式程式編寫平台,設計和拼砌機器人、動態裝置與其他互動式模型。45 分鐘的課程模組專為 6 到 8 年級學生設計,涵蓋了 STEAM 課程的大部分面向。

需要樂高® 機器人玩具的相關協助嗎?

你的機器人螺絲鬆了嗎?你把拼砌說明弄丟了嗎?你對 LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Essential 或 SPIKE™ Prime 盒組的功能、應用程式或零件有疑問嗎?非機器人的親切樂高客服人員樂於提供協助!

Learning STEM is Child’s Play!

Find out how kids of all ages can learn about STEM with LEGO bricks, robots and a healthy portion of curiosity.