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For grown-ups

Butterfly Girl


    “Look at me! I’m a butterfly, wheeee!” The Butterfly Girl is an energetic, pint-sized aspiring entomologist who loves flowers almost as much as she loves bugs. Nothing fills her with more joy than putting on her butterfly wings and flitting all around the meadow, watching her insect friends as they fly from blossom to blossom drinking nectar. The Butterfly Girl hopes to one day have a pet caterpillar. She’ll raise it from an egg and bring it all of the best leaves to nibble on as it grows. When it finally emerges from its chrysalis as a brand-new butterfly, she’ll let it go to fly free outside. But until she’s old enough to have a pet of her own, she’s happy to imagine stories about her adventures as the biggest and best butterfly in the whole world!

      • LEGO® Minifigures

        Birthday Party Boy

        “Wow, 40 years – that’s like forever!” The Birthday Party Boy is super-duper thrilled about getting to go to the 40th anniversary celebration of the modern LEGO® Minifigure. He’s hoping that all of his favorite minifigures from the past will be there! From the first LEGO Pirates in 1989 to the newest big movie stars, he can’t wait to meet them all. He wants to see the Power Miners compare missions with the Rock Raiders, Alpha Team swap spy stories with the Ultra Agents, and the NEXO KNIGHTS™ heroes trade tales of armored adventures with the Knights’ Kingdom next door. Maybe EXO-FORCE will even show up – now that would really be something to remember!

        Meet Birthday Party Boy
        • LEGO® Minifigures

          Killer Moth

          No one ever took small-time crook Drury Walker seriously, so he decided to recreate himself as the ultimate Super-Villain version of Batman™ – an evil moth to counter a heroic bat. Despite his many crime-committing gadgets, including gliding wings and a web-firing cocoon gun, Killer Moth’s terrible fashion sense and his many defeats mean that nobody takes him seriously now, either!

          • LEGO® Minifigures

            Evil Robot

            “Not computing does not build!” Everything that the Robot does, the Evil Robot tries to do the opposite. If the Robot spends all his time seeking out bricks and building giant towers out of them, then the Evil Robot dedicates himself to taking them apart and scattering the bricks everywhere – under beds, inside shoes, beneath fridges and anywhere else they’ll be hard to find. The Evil Robot’s single-minded drive to be the Robot’s opposite does have certain flaws. Since the Robot walks forwards, the Evil Robot is determined to walk backwards everywhere he goes. The Robot is a hard worker, so the Evil Robot tries to be as lazy as possible. Despite all this, villains keep recruiting him to help out with their bad-guy schemes. It’s probably because he looks so cool, but they usually learn pretty fast that having an evil robot on your side isn’t always as useful as it sounds!

            • LEGO® Minifigures

              Shark Army Octopus

              Nicknamed Four-Eyes by Garmadon. This warrior has an eye on everything in NINJAGO. He knows the best places to attack and has even been experimenting with propaganda by adding Garmadon to priceless artwork in NINJAGO.

              • LEGO® Minifigures

                Unikitty figure

                All it takes is a spa treatment or a little pampering and Unikitty is back in her happy place, ready to reign as the Princess of Positivity!

                • LEGO® Minifigures


                  “Kicking and boxing – it’s the perfect combination!” The Kickboxer has always loved combining different activities. As a kid, she would merge her chores and hobbies so she could try hockey-lawnmowing and homework-fingerpainting. But as she got older, not every combination worked out so well. Football-archery caused some trouble, and swim-jogging was nearly a disaster. With the tough sport of kickboxing, though, she’s finally found just the right combo. And thanks to lots of training, she’s gotten really good at it, too. When she’s in the ring with her protective equipment on, boxing and kicking away against a skilled opponent, she sure is glad that she didn’t go with her other idea of parasail-bowling!

                  • LEGO® Minifigures


                    A former racing dog, Santa’s Little Helper‘s last-place losing streak finally ended when he was adopted by the Simpsons. Ever since, he’s been an integral part of the family: fetching the morning paper off Flanders’s driveway, digging holes in the yard (whether or not he has anything to bury in them), and devouring any people-food within reach. Oh yeah, and Maggie’s here, too!

                    • LEGO® Minifigures

                      Black Canary

                      Dinah Lance would be a key member of the Justice League based on her martial arts skills alone, but this bird of prey packs an extra surprise. Using her unique Canary Cry, she can scream, shout or even sing to create ultrasonic vibrations so powerful that they can shatter metal or stone. By directing her cry downwards, Black Canary™ can even use her mighty voice to fly!

                      • LEGO® Minifigures

                        Scallywag Pirate

                        “Here’s the part where ye walk the plank!” The Scallywag Pirate hates having to do anything that’s clean and nice. Brushing his teeth, combing his hair and doing laundry weren’t for him, so at the first opportunity, he hopped on board a pirate ship and joined its crew. Now he gets to do all of the stuff he wants – fire cannons, tie sailing knots, eat horrible pirate cooking, and even wear an eyepatch. Nobody makes you keep neat and tidy when you’re a scurvy buccaneer. The Scallywag Pirate is thrilled that he gets to shave with a cutlass and never has to do any washing-up. And maybe his clothes are falling apart and his teeth have gone rotten and he doesn’t have any hair left to comb…but that’s exactly the pirate’s life that he signed up for!

                        • LEGO® Minifigures

                          Square Foot

                          “Aw, c’mon. Just hold still for a second!” Legend holds that a rare and reclusive creature called the Square Foot dwells deep within the woods. Actually, the legend is only half-right. The shaggy Square Foot does spend a lot of time out in the wilderness, but that’s because he’s an avid amateur nature photographer who’s always looking for his next great shot. Somehow, though, all of his photos end up coming out blurry. Maybe it’s because hikers and campers keep spotting his square-shaped footprints and making a big fuss about them. Maybe it’s because he needs to buy a new camera. Or maybe it’s because he always puts his hand in front of the lens. It’s definitely one hairy situation!

                          • LEGO® Minifigures


                            “Let us get with the times!” The Queen comes from a slightly larger kingdom than the Classic King, and as such she wonders if it wouldn’t be a good idea to be a little less old-fashioned and a little more up-to-date. There are all sorts of modern conveniences that could help to improve their golden castle, like one-piece portcullis gates and base plates with built-in dungeons and walls with lovely stone-and-ivy patterns. Between the King’s big ideas and the Queen’s grand vision, their united lands are moving swiftly toward the future. New armor! New horses! New taverns and towers! In fact, the kingdom is growing so vast and successful that they’re starting to think about splitting it in two and giving half to each of their royal children. Surely that can’t lead to any trouble, can it?

                            • LEGO® Minifigures

                              The Thespian

                              “To build, or not to build…that’s not a hard question at all!” The Thespian is a master actor, able to slip into any role you can imagine. He plays every part to perfection, from Romeo to Juliet (the lead actress was ill, and the show must go on, after all…), and receives a rousing standing ovation after each and every performance. He’s really good at celebrity impersonations, too. The Thespian started his career as a minor background player on the old LEGO Studios set, but since those days his fame has really taken off. He constantly gets offers to appear in big-budget movies and television shows, but he always declares that heart will forever belong to the stage. Of course, as much as he enjoys acting, he does occasionally confess that what he’d really like to do is direct!

                            LEGO® Minifigures Videos

                              • LEGO® Minifigures

                                How To Cheer up a Flower – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                It’s party time, but is that the sound of somebody feeling … sad? The 1978 Police Officer better figure out what that sound is and what to do about it, pronto!

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                                • LEGO® Minifigures

                                  Free the Unicorn! – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                  Oh, no! Unicorn Guy is stuck up! Meaning he is stuck up in the ceiling! How is the 1978 Police Officer going to get him down? Luckily a little music and creativity may do the trick…

                                  • LEGO® Minifigures

                                    Taking Care of A Little Scare – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                    Where are those strange noises coming from? The 1978 Police Officer rushes to the rescue and finds out that a little thing can make for a big surprise!

                                    • LEGO® Minifigures

                                      More Horsin’ Around! – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                      A party is no fun without friends, so how can 1978 Police Officer help out Cowboy Costume Guy who is feeling lonely?

                                      • LEGO® Minifigures

                                        Sounds like a Party! – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                        It’s somebody’s birthday and preparations are being made for the party of the year! All the LEGO® Minifigures are invited and they are super excited. Find out what big surprises are going to happen!

                                        • LEGO® Minifigures

                                          The Minifigure Mystery Man

                                          The Series 17 Minifigures have moved into their new home. But just as they’re settling in and getting to know each other, a mysterious, shadowy figure swoops in, and everything turns dark … When the light returns, all their belongings are missing!

                                          • LEGO® Minifigures

                                            The Held-up Hold-up

                                            A mysterious stranger has stolen all the new minifigures’ treasured belongings – and he’s about to get away with it! But even the most cunning criminal could not have predicted what might cut him off on his escape route!

                                            • LEGO® Minifigures

                                              Surprise Party – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                              There’s been a hiccup in Race Car Guy’s party mood … literally. Can 1978 Police Officer handle the situation?

                                              • LEGO® Minifigures

                                                Out with a Bang! – LEGO® Minifigures – Series 18

                                                He may be 40 years old, but 1978 Police Officer still has the moves … especially when it sounds like things are getting prickly…