The rise of Digital technology in Shanghai

In 2020 we created a brand-new Digital Technology team based at our Shanghai Hub in China and they are already making huge waves in the digital space. The awesome team of 8 are building from the ground up with a mission to future proof our brand so children can continue to learn from LEGO® play experience for generations to come. The team are growing fast so there hasn't been a better time to join us.

Behind the Bricks cover

Peter, a Software Engineering Director based in our Shanghai Hub talks about how he’s building up the team, and how he’s creating more opportunities for people in Digital technology in China:

I’m Peter and I work as a Software Engineering Director in the LEGO Group’s China Digital tech team. My career here at the LEGO Group started four months ago, it was a great decision, and I‘m still as excited as my first day. My main responsibilities in my role as the Software Engineering Director are working collaboratively with my peers to provide technical insights, as well as setting up the digital technology team here in Shanghai with everything they need. This includes implementing a China cloud strategy, engineering tool chains and facilities, and anything else they require.

Driving Digital Technology Transformation in Shanghai

Our Digital tech team in Shanghai is responsible for driving and implementing the digital transformation strategy, as well as building up the digital capacities for the LEGO Group - especially in the fast-pace of the Chinese market. After forming the team in 2020 there will be a huge wave of growth this year, from new digital products going live, to product iterations and new business opportunities.

In the coming year, we’re going to see more Consumer Engagement and Retail Enablement themes, as well as the use of digital products to provide the best experience for fans to connect with the LEGO brand. Using the most digitally savvy methods, we’ll enable and expand Retail business to provide opportunities to connect with consumers across China. There’s digital transformation everywhere!

Digital Play

Digital play is a fundamental new cornerstone that is being embedded within the LEGO bricks. We have the opportunity here to create hybrid digital-physical products and platforms with child safety at the heart and growth of existing products. Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?

The future of the LEGO Group is going to be digital-enabled, it’s happening everywhere from providing Digital-play products, personal play experience, digital manufacturing, sustainable materials and digital platforms to engaging families.

From here to when we celebrate our centenary in 2032, the LEGO Group will have a strong investment in Digital - in 11 years we will be fully empowered to keep on creating the next great success. Joining the Digital Technology team is a fantastic opportunity where you can bring the latest learnings from the evolving Chinese digital market, and build a world-wide impact to the whole LEGO group.

In such a short time the LEGO Group has helped me grow in so many ways, and anyone who’s thinking of joining should apply.